Podcast - GoGen Japanese

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Below is the Japanese transcript and English translation (reviewed and corrected by real human beings) for our first podcast, on romance and dating in Japan.


Podcast #1

恋愛】Romance & Dating Podcast Script

こんにちは、みなさん!GoGen Languages ポッドキャストです!今日は、日本と欧米、特にアメリカの恋愛文化の違いについて話していきたいと思います。お互いショッキングな違いがたくさんあって驚くかもしれませんが、早速見ていきましょう!








今日の話はどうでした?日本とアメリカの恋愛文化の違いについて、新しい発見があったかもしれませんね。また次回もGoGen Languagesポッドキャストでお会いしましょう。それでは、さようなら!バイバイ!


English Translation

Hello everyone! Welcome to the GoGen Languages podcast! Today, we'll be talking about the differences in dating culture between Japan and in the West, particularly the United States. There may be many shocking differences that surprise you, but let's dive right in!


First, the way people meet is different. In the United States, online dating is widely popular, and many people use apps to find partners. In Japan, however, there seems to be a bit of reluctance towards online dating. So the main ways to meet someone are through group dates (goukon) or introductions by friends.


Next, the approach to dating is also different. In the United States, the first date is often a casual meal or having coffee, but in Japan, there are various options for the first date, such as watching a movie, going to an aquarium, or going out for drinks. Also, in Japan, there is a tendency and expectation for men to pay, while in the United States, splitting the bill is more common.


Attitudes towards romance also differ. In Japan, love is considered a private matter, so couples rarely kiss or display excessive affection in public. Couples who do such things are sometimes called "bakappuru," a portmanteau of the words "baka" (stupid) and "couple". In contrast, the United States is more open to public displays of affection, where kissing and hugging in front of others is ordinary.


Also, we can't forget about Japan's unique "confession culture"! In Japan, it is considered an important step to say "I like you, please go out with me" before officially becoming a couple. In the United States, however, such confessions are rare, and it is prevalent for relationships to naturally develop into romantic ones. It's completely different! From a Japanese perspective, it's difficult to decipher exactly when you've become a couple!


On the other hand, the United States has a "hookup culture" that doesn't exist in Japan. In a hookup culture, one-night stands and casual sex are acceptable. This doesn't require a confession process, and as long as there is mutual consent, it's not particularly a taboo either. However, Japan is more conservative, and confessions and formal relationships are more important, so this culture doesn't exist. Of course, casual relationships do exist in Japan, but they are more of a taboo and are not viewed very positively.


Furthermore, when it comes to love, there's Christmas! Surprisingly in Japan, Christmas is a romantic event spent with a partner! In the United States, it's often spent with families, but in Japan, Christmas Eve is a day for couples. There's even a term, "kurisumasu bocchi" (bocchi = lonely) or "kuribocchi" for short, to tease people who don't have a partner on that day.


Finally, I'd like to talk about the differences in expectations for romance. In the United States, there's a strong sense of individualism, so in relationships, the happiness of oneself and one's partner is prioritized. In Japan, however, even in romance, how one is viewed by their "surroundings" such as family and friends, is very important. It's sad, but stories of break ups because of parental opposition is nothing out of the ordinary.

How was today's talk? You may have made some new discoveries about the differences in dating culture between Japan and the United States. Let's meet again next time on the GoGen Languages podcast. Well then, goodbye! Bye-bye!